The home affordability calculator from® helps you estimate how much house you can afford. Quickly find the maximum home price within your price range.
Calculate how much house you can afford with our home affordability calculator. Factor in income, monthly debt and more to better understand your ideal loan amount.
To calculate "how much house can I afford," one rule of thumb is the 28/36 rule, which states that you shouldn't spend more than 28% of your gross monthly income on home-related costs and 36% on total debts, including your mortgage, credit cards and othe
Let’s say you’re ready to buy a house. It’s important to know around how much your current savings and income can afford. Though this takes complex calculations, you can use our calculator above to easily estimate the home price you can potentially qualify for. ...
How much house can I afford with a VA loan? Eligible active duty or retired service members, or their spouses, might qualify for down payment–free mortgages from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. These loans have competitive mortgage rates, and they don't require PMI, even if you...
Enter your monthly household income, your down payment, your monthly expenses, and your interest rate to see how much house you can afford!How much can I afford? This interactive affordability calculator is designed to help you determine how much house you can afford. Figuring out what you can...
Whether you're determining how much house you can afford, estimating your monthly payment with our mortgage calculator or looking for preapproval for a mortgage, we can help you at any part of the home buying process. See our current mortgage rates, low down payment options, and jumbo mortgag...
Experts say you should understand what you can afford before you start looking for a house. Use this calculator to get an idea of how much you can borrow, and explore which ZIP Codes have a typical home price that will fit your budget....
Each lender has their own lending criteria, but using different tools like a borrowing calculator can help you estimate how much mortgage you can afford.
How much house can you afford? When you’re thinking about buying a new home, ask yourself, “How much should I borrow?” instead of, “How much could I borrow?” It’s an important distinction: Rather than focusing on the largest loan amount you could possibly get from a mortgage or...