238 Helen Avenue/ Markham/ Ontario/ Canada This was the home of Jennifer Pan, a 24 year-old Markham woman who was convicted of a murder-for-hire plot involving her parents. On the night of November 8, 2010, Jennifer left the front door of the home unlocked, allowing David Mylvaganam,...
’” saysJason Anbara, founder and president of NorthLend Financial, Inc. in Ottawa, Ontario. “The cost of your home is not just the monthly payment you make to the principal balance on your mortgage loan. There are also taxes, insurance,...
room interiors, gutters, and roofs. Luckily, most homeowners insurance policies will help cover the cost of debris removal. Restore your property to its pre-loss condition; cleanup and debris removal are often necessary expenses. But what's covered by insurance, and how much is available for ...
Two months later, I found myself in a beautiful heritage home in Stratford, Ontario, with a canine roommate named Nell. While she was initially unsure of me, we became great friends. And while I was initially unsure of myself and how I would find a way into this fascinating, culturally...
[I activity in Ontario,Douglas Fetberlii mal. a punishment ratherthan a pleasure. devotes a skimpy half-paragraph to It's too dangerous a sport to play about Ottawa's writing scene. but the city has with unless it'sreallygood fun. many more centres that those you men- I wonder how ...