The picture shows the Harare tobaccoauction house. 图为哈拉雷烟草拍卖行. 期刊摘选 Where is theAuction House? Where is the Bank? 拍卖所在哪里? 银行 呢 ? 期刊摘选 Flavor The blade's keen edge always fetches a high price at theauction house. ...
"They then went into a tantrum and threw the baby and the bath water. What is clear to us is that business people have for long had a parasitic relationship with the city of Harare," said Mafume. Sakunda Holdings announced in March its intention to renovate Rufaro Stadium to accommodate ...
Together with 134 other households in Budiriro 5, an extension of Harare’s Budiriro suburb which has grown up over the past 10 years as people have built informal structures there, they stood in the heavy rain and watched as their homes were pulled down. Like councils in other urban areas...
A syndicate involving five fraudsters who were defrauding unsuspecting people in property deals was on Tuesday intercepted by police from the Deeds Office in Harare's CBD. The five were intercepted by police after one of the unsuspecting clients who wanted to buy a house from them took them to...
The picture shows the Harare tobacco auction house. 图为哈拉雷烟草拍卖行. 来自期刊摘选 15. Where is the Auction House? Where is the Bank? 拍卖所在哪里? 银行 呢 ? 来自期刊摘选 16. Flavor The blade's keen edge always fetches a high price at the auction house. 这把刀有著锋利的刀刃,在拍...