House for sale, 38536 GALWAY ST, in Sandy, United 二手房公寓 约 ¥ 187 万 29万美元 地址 美国-其他 38536 GALWAY ST 建面 暂无 户型 暂无 首付比例 暂无 参考租金 暂无 贷款咨询 询最低价 房源概况 编号: 68805852 单价 暂无 物业 公寓 产权 永久产权 年代 2006年 楼层 暂无 占地 121㎡ 该计...
2. I have to report the arrival of the barqueYeomanfrom Sligo, 514 passengers, and brigAlicefrom Galway, 125 passengers, and enclose ship returns, to which I refer. The whole of the passengers by the Yeoman were tenants on the estate of Sir Robert Gore Booth, Bart., at Lissidell, near...
Patrick O'Byrne, from Co. Wicklow who fled north after the 1601 battle of Aughrim in Galway and settled near the Glenree River in Co. Mayo near the Sligo border. His son moved further north