However, we both agreed that because we have never lived in-town before,we would rent for the first yearas opposed to buying a home in the city. The houses in the area we are going to be renting are almost twice as expensive as the suburbs we currently live in. We want to make sur...
So much for learning from history. Once again Americans are tapping into their inflated home equity as if it were an ATM. Of course we heard from housing cheerleaders that everything is different this time and that people were being very cautious with buying crap shacks. That laste...
But overall, paying all cash for a home by selling stocks will likely cause a slowdown in the pace of your net worth growth. Alternatively, if you are rich enough to pay for a home withidle cash, then you have a better chance ofacceleratingyour net worth by buying a home with all cas...
Yes, fair point on the expensive house prices- however, it appears like the rental prices aren’t as unreasonable yet in Durango. After renting for the first year(s) while determining if Durango is a good fit for me- perhaps considering buying small amount of land and building a very smal...
Sarine’s CEO, David Block, emphasised: “We continue to enhance our traceability solution to enable low-cost data-based verifiable traceability for the broadest range of diamonds possible with minimal overhead, as we firmly believe it is vital for the future of natural diamonds. The AutoScan P...
The price of the house depends on the location and one has to look at the commuting distance for the work before taking the buying decision. However, considering today’s highly volatile job market, it’s not wise to buy a house with high mortgage during our early career. To my opinion,...