[经典旧世]Auction House DataBase aka AHDB 拍卖&商业 当前评分:67.1 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 28547 最后更新:2025-01-29 05:01 插件大小:118.18kb 最新版本号:v1.08.04 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:MooreaTV
An in-house database of journal articles on intellectual property was created by the British Library to assist with their work. The article describes the contents, indexing and searching of the database and how it is used.doi:10.1016/0172-2190(94)90018-3S.C. van Dulken...
删库:DROP DATABASE —— 删除数据库,作⽤于具体库。 2.部分数据库和表授权 说明 部分数据库和表授权,⽀持更细粒度、灵活的库表权限配置,可对任意库、表做不同的权限配置。 每次权限配置都是增量操作:跟上次权限作对⽐,库表没有变化的权限不做删除,只删减少的权限和添加新增的权限,从⽽达...
DataBaseAuditRecord 数据库审计 被如下接口引用:DescribeDatabaseAuditRecords。 名称类型描述 OsUser String 查询用户示例值:test_user InitialQueryId String 查询ID示例值:xasdxadsfa-12331x-xqwex Sql String SQL语句示例值:select * from test QueryStartTime String 开始时间示例值:2025-01-02 12:23:45 Durat...
An investigation of "ethoxylates," an alkylphenol derivative, in the National Library of Medicine's Household Products Database showed no less than eight common family products by one top brand containing these known toxins. Finding answers There are currently many affordable lines of organic cleaning...
类别:Surface air sealing 能效阶级:phA System components:Wood comoposite boards FINSA superPan Tech P5, Air tightness tapes SIGA Sicrall and SIGA Fentrim or eqiv. ISO-BLOCO ONE (3-18 mm) ISO-Chemie GmbH 类别:Window connection 能效阶级:phA ...
单击添加数据库 Add a database。或者,您可以单击“数据库 Databases”选项卡并选择“添加数据库 Add database”按钮。 如果您的驱动程序安装成功,您将在数据库类型 Database type的下拉菜单中看到ClickHouse: 为您的数据库指定一个显示名称 Display name,请使用您喜欢的任何名称。
The component database of the Passive House Institute. Containing all components certified for use in Passive House projects
DROPDATABASE IFEXISTSssb;CREATEDATABASE ssb; USE ssb;CREATETABLEcustomer ( C_CUSTKEY UInt32, C_NAME String, C_ADDRESS String, C_CITY LowCardinality(String), C_NATION LowCardinality(String), C_REGION LowCardinality(String), C_PHONE FixedString(15), C_MKTSEGMENT LowCardinality(String) ) ENGINE...
Access to our comprehensive threat intelligence database, including dark web and deep web sources. Continuous monitoring and alerts on potential threats to your organization. Customized risk assessments and recommendations tailored to your clients’ needs. Dedicated support from our team of cybersecurity ...