众议院外交委员会(House Committee on Foreign Affairs)高阶民主党员霍华德‧柏曼(Howard Berman)指出,这是政府的「折衷 … www.xhclub.net|基于12个网页 3. 众议院对外事务委员会 众议院对外事务委员会(House Committee on Foreign Affairs)主席,来自加利福尼亚州的联邦众议员汤姆·兰托斯(Tom Lantos) … ...
Committee on Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Health Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Time (ET)Session 10:00 am"American Confidence in Elections: Prohibiting Foreign Interference" Committee on House Administration 10:00 amIP and Strategic Competition with China: Part IV Patents Standards and Lawfare ...
美国方面,国会众院外交委员会(the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs)针对“王立军申请政治庇护”案…www.tsctv.net|基于19个网页 2. 美国众议院外交委员会 年近八旬的兰托斯是美国国会的一位资深政客,现任美国众议院外交委员会(the House of Representatives Committee on Foreig…column.creaders....
Rep. Michael McCaul, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, said he’s still confident about the bill’s prospects in the House. “It’s going to sail, and then it will be up to the Senate,” McCaul said. “And the White House has already acknowledged t...
House Committee on Foreign Affairs' Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa hearing held on November 19, 2013. U.S. State Department's deputy assistant secretary for the Arabian Peninsula Barbara Leaf testified on "U.S. Policy Toward the Arabian Peninsula: Yemen and Bahrain." Leaf ...
Some stories are more humorous than frightening: Dagmar Wilson of Women Strike for Peace remembers how the antinuclear group responded to a 1962 subpoena of its leader by the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities with a flood of telegrams from other members volunteering to testify too. The Pri...
The Report of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee on Cyprus principally addressed itself to two questions. How might the British Government relieve the economic isolation of the Turkish Cypriots and what steps might be taken to bring about a solution of the Cyprus problem? With regard...
United States policy toward Central Asia: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Repre... (1992) United States policy toward Central Asia: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Fore...
China has lashed out at a new U.S. House committee dedicated to countering Beijing, demanding its members “discard their ideological bias and zero-sum Cold War mentality.”
At the hearing held by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and former Commander of the U.S. Central Command Kenneth McKenzie were both dressed in suits and ties instead of military uniforms, because they had retired from their respective...