House Democrats to release 'Medicare for All' bill — without a price tag Defense Trump’s end run on defense spending House GOP budget sets up massive safety net cuts, Obamacare repeal bid POLITICO analysis: At $2.3 trillion cost, Trump tax cuts leave big gap ...
Reports that on May 11, 1995, the House Budget Committee approved a resolution to reduce the deficit by 2002. Details of the plan that would slash programs in many areas; Insistence of Republicans that all spending reductions be presented as positive numbers; Mixed Democratic response to the ...
aHouse Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, who has been castigated by Democrats and hailed by Republicans for his plan to privatize Medicare, will on Thursday unveil a new approach that would preserve the 46-year-old federal health program. 住宅预算委员会主席保罗・赖安,在星期四由Democrats谴责...
Washington— A group of House Democrats is seeking to oust some of their aging committee leaders after disappointing defeats for the party in the November elections that will give Republicans control of the White House and Congress come January. Democrats are trying to replace the veteran m...
House Democrats on Tuesday sought to push back on efforts by President Trump to take credit for positive economic data, as the president is set to make the economy a key part of his reelection message. During a series of speeches on the House floor, Majo
The House Budget Committee on Monday cleared the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, which is expected to send it to the chamber floor for a vote.
, the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee. "There is inadequate engagement on the substance of what will be in an agreement or out of an agreement." Democrats in the House and Senate have complained for years about the secrecy standards the Obama administration has applied to the TPP...
Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the House Ethics Committee, indicated Monday night that she believes the report should be published. Other Democrats on the panel pointed to her comments, indicating they agreed with her. Two Democrats did not respond to a request for comment. Republicans on the...
also blamed Senate Democrats. Scott said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) needs to “put on his big-boy britches” and “get to work and pass a bill.” Democrats argued generally about GOP budget plans, including the FY 2012 plan introduced today by House Budget Co...
House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) and other Democrats have a number of problems with the bill they helped pass out of committee 60-2, including the language that shifts $18 billion from overseas contingency operations funding to the base budget, the aide said ...