GA House Bill 246法案是佐治亚州四名众议员共同提出的一个法案,该法案禁止来自中国,伊朗,北朝鲜和俄国四个国家的公司和个人在佐治亚州拥有房地产。如果这个法案在佐治亚成为法律,可以说,所有能...关注: 文章搜索 搜索: 本月精彩 当地 / 教育 / 文化 2025 新年遐想:举办亚特兰大 “德州扑克夏令营” ,可行吗?
Family Leave Bill Clears House on 265-163 Vote; Republicans Slow Action on Measure in Senate in Dispute Over Military Ban on GaysKenneth J. CooperHelen Dewar
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Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and Douglas Collins, R-Ga., the bill deals largely with programs and provisions aimed at rehabilitating inmates and preventing recidivism upon their release. “This is an area where both liberals and conservatives can find common ground even if it’s for differ...
The manager assured me that he would adjust the bill and send it right over. He never went over to apologize to my family or speak to them at all. Finally after sitting and waiting another 10 min for the adjusted bill (that NEVER ARRIVED) i went to the bartender …who appeared to ...
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Pilot's Bill of Rights has been approved by the House of Representatives and is on its way to President Obama's desk. U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a member of …General Aviation News
Right-to-Work Bill Wins Approval of House CommitteeJournal Record, the
House OKs Amber Alert bill: Major provisions of the measure
Bush Seeks Action to Ban Cloning; Wants Daschle to Let House-Passed Bill Come to a Vote