The Use of "House" as a Verb in Medical English. The word "house" is primarily known as a noun, referring to a building or structure that serves as a residence or shelter. However, in the context of medical English, "house" can also be used as a verb, carrying a specific meaning ...
As a verbhouseis to keep within a structure or container. As a proper nounHouseis the House of Representatives, "the House". household English (wikipedia household) Noun (en noun) Collectively, all the persons who live in a given house; a family including attendants, servants etc.; a dome...
1.A married woman who manages the household as her main occupation and whose spouse usually earns the family income. 2.(hŭz′ĭf)A small container for needles, thread, and other sewing equipment. [Middle Englishhouswif:hous,house; seehouse+wif,wife; seewife.] ...
Unlike "house," we can also use "home" as an adverb. We mostly pair it with verbs of motion – for example, walk home, get home, go home, drive home, fly home, run home and come home. But a few are ...
verb (used without object) , housed [houzd], hous·ing [hou, -zing]. to take shelter; dwell. adjective of, relating to, or noting a house. for or suitable for a house: house paint. served by a restaurant as its customary brand: the house wine. of or being a product made by or...
as much as a house will hold:He had several housefuls of furniture. Middle English. Seehouse,-ful1250–1300 See-ful. WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2023 house/n., adj.haʊs;v.haʊz/n., pl.hous•es/ˈhaʊzɪz/v.,housed, hous•...
Foodserved by a restaurant as its customary brand:the house wine. bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle Englishh(o)us,Old Englishhūs; cognate with Dutchhuis,Low Germanhuus,Old Norsehūs,GermanHaus,Gothic-hūs(ingudhūstemple); (verb, verbal) Middle Englishhousen,Old Englishhūsian,derivative of...
a. A building that functions as the primary shelter or location of something: a carriage house; the lion house at the zoo. b. A building devoted to a particular activity: a customs house; a house of worship. 5. a. A facility, such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainm...
But a few are unrelated to motion, such as stay home, call home and be home. 但也有一些与动作无关,比如呆在家里、打电话回家、在家。 When "home" is an adverb, we almost never put words between the verb and "home." 当“home”做副词时,动作动词和“home”之间通常不放任何单词。 I can...
You can refer to all the people who live together in a house asthe house. house e.g. If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the wholehouse... 如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。 e.g. So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of thehou...