She was mostly concerned about what would happen when the alarm went off in a couple of hours but listen as she might, she couldn’t hear a thing. Until a couple of days later when she noticed a pile of wolf shit mysteriously beeping. After a good wash, the watch was found to be s...
it was clear that someone–including, perhaps, the car’s owner–had inadvertently tripped the alarm, and everyone in the vicinity got to be treated to the loud, alternating beeping horn sounds that make car alarms one of the most supremely annoying sounds ...
Its Marv! Beeping 普雷斯特先生 普雷斯特先生, 你在吗? Mr. Prescott? Mr. Prescott, are you there? 普雷斯特先生! 救命啊! Mr. Prescott! Help! 马文, 警报器是打开的 gasps Marv, the alarm is on 喔, 不, 我们现在该怎么办? Oh, no. What are we gonna do? 看我的 Watch this, eh? 喔 ...
That was not specific. But I know what you want. You want everything. Well, don’t be disappointed if you don’t hear what you want to hear. Okay. What’s your name? My name is Pina. Hello, Pina. Tell me everything. I see a great fortune… coming your way. How big? Sophia!