Notable Template Features: This online template allows you to list, prioritize, and update daily tasks in a flexible, accessible format. The colors and shading help to distinguish hour rows at a glance, and the Priority and Complete Status columns allow for simple, real-time updating. Check out...
All data is recorded in Excel worksheets (xlsx format) and organized into compressed folders, which are accessible to the public via Figshare ( The choice of the xlsx format was due to its exceptional compatibility with a wide array of spreadsh...
MONTHLY KILOMETREAGE STATEMENT CUM BILLmeans the format specified by the Company. T-Bill Ratemeans, for any Quarterly Floating Rate Period, the average yield expressed as a percentage per annum on three-month Government of Canada Treasury Bills, as reported by the Bank of Canada, for the most...
Good afternoon, my name is Ethan I have a question regarding averaging in excel. I am trying to average the first 40 minutes of data from each hour...
My next phase is putting together VLOOKUP table so when I enter in the work status drop down entry the start time will recognise it to be zero where applicable. For example if I have Annual Leave as the work status then column AA will show the desired hours, in this case...
Digital cut sheet and roll production and injet presses. Large format printing and finishing equipment. Flexographic presses, rewinders, and shrink sleeve equipment. Die cutting, stripping, and folder glueing equipment. Finishing, coating, binding, mailing equipment and services. ...
Physical (white-box) models use energy balance equations and hundreds of input parameters to simulate a building’s energy demand. Such a detailed approach is invaluable for optimizing building performance during design stages or when retrofitting. However, programming physical models is time consuming ...
We employed three state-of-the-art deep learning models, namely long short-term memory, gated recurrent unit, and convolutional neural networks, to forecast PM2.5 levels using univariate time series methodology. Our results revealed that the convolutional neural networks model performed the best, ...
The relative error of peak rainfall and the absolute time error of peak rainfall were derived as measures for comparison. First, the relative error of peak rainfall (REPeak), defined as the average ratio of absolute errors, can be expressed as follows: REpeak=∑𝑚𝑘=1|𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑟...