Example 7 – Applying Excel HOUR Function for Decimals Time TheValuecolumn containstimerepresented asdecimals. In cellC5, insert the following formula to extract the hour. =HOUR(B5) PressENTER. Drag downthe formula with thefill Handle toolto complete the Result column. You can see the complete...
Excel HOUR() function : This function is used to return the hour of a time value. The hour is given as an integer, ranging from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
Download Excel Military Time Converter - DOWNLOAD NOW If you like our Military Time Converter, click the Google +1 button. Please note: some people confuse Military Time (24hr time - 20:15) with Time in Decimal Hours (8.25). If you are looking to convert Regular Hours into Decimal hour...
Time values are a portion of a date value and represented by a decimal number (for example, 12:00 PM is represented as 0.5 because it is half of a day). Example Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show r...
If you use a numeric value within Excel HOUR Function, it will use the decimal portion of it to return the HOUR value. For example, if I use 41699.125 as the input in HOUR function, it will discard the 41699 part and use .125 part to return the time. The answer would be 3 as ....
8:45 = 8.75 hours DOWNLOAD OUR DECIMAL TIME EXCEL CHART see our free template library suggest new excel templatesSuggestions from people like you helped us develop the above Excel templates. We build Free Weekly and Montly Timesheets. Suggest a template...
Decimal hours calculator Convert minutes to decimal hours and vice versa. View calculator Military time converter Automatically calculate the 12 / 24 hour equivalent View converter Timesheet calculator Automatically calculate the total hours for payroll. View calculator Over...
The syntax for the HOUR function in Microsoft Excel is: Hour( serial_number ) Parameters or Arguments serial_number The time value to extract the hour from. It may be expressed as a string value, a decimal number, or the result of a formula. ...
Make a column for rounding time to the hour and type the formula in cellD5. =ROUND(C5*24,0)/24 The formula here uses theROUND Functionto convert the time of cellC5to the nearest hour. In Excel,1 hourequals1/24and we multiply24with the cell value. We don’t want any decimal value...
Calculate hours between time in Excel : Calculate the hours between two time values in excel. find the time elapsed between end_time & start_timeTime difference in hours as decimal value : Time difference in hours using Excel MOD function and then we need to represent it in the decimal ...