Terce, or Third Hour, is a fixed time of prayer of the Divine Office in almost all the Christian liturgies. It consists mainly of psalms and is said at9 a.m.Its name comes from Latin and refers to the third hour of the day after dawn. ...
Urgent Prayer Submission — The Ninth Hour: A Dream/ Vision of Harvest and Judgment So in the early hours of the mornings of December 9, 2024, I had a powerful and vivid Dream/ Vision in which I found myself standing and watching above a vast city, and instantly, by the Spirit of Re...
Those that cry for the help of God are those that no human being can help. They are those that have lost hope . So, they ask for help from above. They take their cases to God with desperate cries. Mark my words, Cry for help’. Crying is a sign that the person that the prayerf...
Something similar can happen to Christians who grow up in the aftermath of the proliferation of schisms, where in a three mile stretch of road one can count the meeting places of fourteen different Christian denominations, some directly across from each other. Christians can drive such a road d...
The prayer over, another hymn was sung under the magnetic leadership of the assistant, while “Billy” Williams pulled his chair over the edge of the platform and fraternized with the reporters as was his custom. Jimmy Martin, who was watching the proceedings circumspectly107 over the shoulder...