The rest: Except for the two above groups, it is difficult to put these breeds into specific boxes based on their characteristics. So, unless a breed is a sighthound or a scent hound, it falls into this third category. Hounds do make the best pets, but only for the right owner. So ...
If you find the Treeing Walker Coonhound appealing, but want to consider some similar breeds, there are several that may be a good fit. American Foxhound –The oldest American dog breed, and an ancestor of the Treeing Walker Coonhound. Bloodhound –A loveable and well-mannered choice. Beagle...
Escape artists: Ibizans have been known to jump over fences or gates, so you’ll need to make sure your dog is properly secured and safe in your space. Good with dogs: Ibizans are generally good with other dog breeds. High prey drive: Ibizans have a high prey drive and may try to...
Dog Breeds / Breed Groups /Small Swiss Hound Small Swiss Hound With an acute sense of smell and passion for trailing prey, the Small Swiss Hound is an outstanding hunting dog. This affectionate, lively breed also makes a great companion for people who can provide consistent training and ple...
Are you looking for hound dog breeds? Use Blackdogoutfitters as the most comprehensive website about all of hunting dog BREEDS & their needs.
All Breeds Purebreds Mix Breed Dogs Research your dog's mix Understanding Dog Behavior Housebreaking Raising a Puppy Search Categories Animal Crossing Dog Breed Selector Quiz Dogs Caught! Other Pets All Creatures Plants and Types of Vegetation Care Training+ Whelping Puppies More Pictures Submit your...
Hound, Classification of hunting dogs that is more general than setter, retriever, pointer, or other sporting dog categories. Most hounds were bred and trained to track by scent or sight. Scent hounds (e.g., Bloodhound, Dachshund) are trained to scent in
All Breeds Purebreds Mix Breed Dogs Research your dog's mix Understanding Dog Behavior Housebreaking Raising a Puppy Search Categories Animal Crossing Dog Breed Selector Quiz Dogs Caught! Other Pets All Creatures Plants and Types of Vegetation Care Training+ Whelping Puppies More Pictures Submit your...
This elegant dog is in fact a type of several breeds, including: Pharaoh Hound The Cirneco dell’Etna The Portuguese Podengo The Podenco Canario Among these breeds, the Ibizan Hound is the largest. ByFédération Cynologique Internationalethe Ibizan Hound is classified as primitive types. ...
This is a remarkable tool, invaluable for all those of us who are fascinated by different breeds of dogs, for research into the past as well as for planning the future. Bo Bengtson - dog judge and Whippet expert, USA Join the Breed Archive community Register for free ...