1. The Scatter & Align SOP: Scattering Points 2. The Scatter & Align SOP: Randomising Rotation 3.The Scatter & Align SOP: The Orient Attribute 4. The Scatter & Align SOP: Adding Attributes to Existing Point Clouds 课 1. 散射和对齐 SOP:散射点 2. 散射和对齐 SOP:随机旋转 3. 散射和对齐...
1. The Scatter & Align SOP: Scattering Points2. The Scatter & Align SOP: Randomising Rotation3.The Scatter & Align SOP: The Orient Attribute4. The Scatter & Align SOP: Adding Attributes to Existing Point Clouds 课 1. 散射和对齐 SOP:散射点2. 散射和对齐 SOP:随机旋转3. 散射和对齐 SOP:...
Eg, say you have a flat ground plane, and want to scatter many copies of a tree, each with a random rotation around the y-axis. Here's what I put in a point wrangle before the copy sop: vex float angle = rand(@ptnum) * 360; angle = radians(angle); vector axis = {0,1,0}...
将序号可按x轴、y轴等,重新排序 peak 沿法线方向移动 attribrandomize 属性随机值 attribfrommap 从贴图中获取颜色 Add Generators|polygon 创建点或Polygon线/面,为输入添加点或polys Align Filters|NURBS 互相对齐一组面或和辅助输入节点对齐, 通过绕着某一轴心点平移或旋转 Attrib Composite Attribute 用于在多个选...
1、Attrib Composite Attribute用于在多个选择中合成顶点,点,面,或其他属性Houd ini 节点解释Ambient LightGenerators环境灯,控制场景里环境光的颜色和亮度Auto Rig BipedGenerators自动生成一套两足角色的骨架装配Bodypart ArmGenerators手臂装配Bodypart HandGenerators手装配Bodypart Head and NeckGenerators头和脖子装配Body...
random rotation values float randRot_X = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_X'), ch('Rotate_X')); float randRot_Y = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_Y'), ch('Rotate_Y')); float randRot_Z = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_Z'), ch('Rotate_Z')); // Apply random ...
PBR Single Scatter Vop(单一的次表面散射BSDF)Reflected Light Vop(计算反射光线数量)Refracted Light Vop(计算折射光线数量)Switch Lighting BSDF Vop(直接和间接光照用不同的BSDF) 课时77:VOP节点第44讲 Shading Layer Parameter Vop(着色器层参数)Bump To Normal Map Vop(凹凸贴图转换为切线空间法线贴图)UV ...
PBR Single Scatter Vop(单一的次表面散射BSDF)Reflected Light Vop(计算反射光线数量)Refracted Light Vop(计算折射光线数量)Switch Lighting BSDF Vop(直接和间接光照用不同的BSDF) 课时77:VOP节点第44讲 Shading Layer Parameter Vop(着色器层参数)Bump To Normal Map Vop(凹凸贴图转换为切线空间法线贴图)UV ...
Here we jump back to our main setup to test out our first flower in our setup. We look at how we can adjust the angles using our orient setups and also look at how we can further randomise our pscale. We set up our instances for render and add our first shader.the...
//所有vex 函数功能///字符串///append 附加 将项添加到数组或字符串。argsort 排序 返回数组的排序版本的索引array 排列 从其参数中有效地创建数组foreach 循环 循环遍历数组中的项目insert 插入 将项,数组或字符串插入数组或字符串中。isvalidindex 是有效的 检查给定的索引是否对给定的数组或字符串有效len 长度...