自动识别曲率高低的位置(起伏边缘),并自动添加颜色属性进行着色。 edge_color 边颜色 对边角的颜色进行着色,也是曲率工具的应用。 edge_damage边缘破损 一键生成破损,可以在面板调节破损的强弱。 calculate_thickness 厚度检测 原理是基于射线检测, 检测出厚(或者薄)的区域并进行着色。 delight AO高光 对AO的部分添加一...
想要得到一个破损的法线,我们可以直接用labs的EdgeDamage节点做模型的边缘磨损效果(也可自己写)。 就可以直接用Maps_Baker连入低模和高模直接烘培出法线来。AO也同理。 这样烘焙出来的法线和AO有一个小的缺点,就是法线和AO的边缘与模型断裂的边缘有些地方对不齐,因为高模到低模烘焙法线的算法是找最近的点嘛,所以...
1.Labs Cable Generator 模型间生成线条(电缆) 01:51 2.Labs Edge Damage 边缘损毁效果 07:35 3.Labs Turntable 资产沿着某个轴向旋转 09:44 4.Labs Quick Basic Tree 10:53分享至 投诉或建议评论 赞与转发3 0 0 0 0 回到旧版 顶部登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁...
In addition to the custom HDAs, I also utilized the Game Jam Starter Kit's "Boolean Edge Damage" HDA to help generate the cliffs and columns in the game.” PRIZEs Runner's Up 4th PlaceSpaceout 5th PlaceLight Up 6th PlaceDynamite Den 7th PlaceBlindsight 8th PlacePizza Panic 9th ...
Wealthy parents have always been willing to spend the vast amounts of extra money necessary to send their children to schools with a perceived educational edge. Working adults have long attended night schools and refresher courses. Competition for employment has been around since the curse of ...
Keeping accurate records of work-related injuries is also very beneficial to employers. It’s because it allows them to see the types of damage on their premises and determine if anything can be done to prevent such injuries. The fewer accidents you discover in the workplace, the more success...
, ties it to he cell bar on the window and lowers himself again. TGG script also had Houdini freeing himself from a strait-jacket, swinging like a pendulum at the end of a rope, catapulting his body through a small window, and then scaling a wall and disappearing over the other edge....
1.Labs Cable Generator 模型间生成线条(电缆) 01:51 2.Labs Edge Damage 边缘损毁效果 07:35 3.Labs Turntable 资产沿着某个轴向旋转 09:44 4.Labs Quick Basic Tree 10:53分享至 投诉或建议评论 赞与转发3 0 0 0 0 回到旧版 顶部登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁...
对边角的颜色进行着色,也是曲率工具的应用。 edge_damage边缘破损 一键生成破损,可以在面板调节破损的强弱。 calculate_thickness 厚度检测 原理是基于射线检测, 检测出厚(或者薄)的区域并进行着色。 delight AO高光 对AO的部分添加一个着色,并有一个产生一个高光的shader,感觉应用范围比较窄。