“If the tech stock market remains strong, we believe plenty of private capital will flow into VC and PE funds in the coming years.” Given the conditional nature of our prediction, the odds of us being right were good. And right we were: as the Nasdaq climbed to record highs, VC acti...
Digital acceleration goals in the business world being compressed from years to months has been a major theme of the coronavirus economy across sectors, and in the auto sales market, more dealers are accepting the move to digital, Chamoun said, which is a major behavioral shift for the market...
Aside from any prospective technical difficulties such as agile test management and software testing problems, the most typical discomfort points for brand-new companies focus on stock and the best ways to create sales.“It can be frustrating to determine exactly what you’re going to offer, what...
We set aside a lot of the convention wisdom and points of emphasis on Wall Street and went back to a couple of bedrock principles. One is that the value of any asset is the value of the cash that asset will produce in the future. The second is the presumption that stock prices ultimat...