[生肉]The Hottest Place on Earth 1269 播放 爱竞彩的小周 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(2) 自动播放 [1] 【分钟地球】地球上最热的地方在哪里... 763播放 02:36 [2] [生肉]The Hottest P... 1269播放 待播放
The hottest place on earth 272021-11 3 World time zones 282021-11 4 The biggest work of art in the world 292021-11 5 The missing dollar 252021-11 6 Earth’s water 382021-11 7 A tectonic plate 382021-11 8 The plant world 342021-11 9 Foxes on ice 262021-11 10 The first trip to ...
【题目】The Sahar a is one of the hottest places on earth. It is the last place you'd expect to have a snowball fight. But on January 8,2018, it snowed in Ain Sefra, the gateway(出人口)to the Sahara.Ain Sefr a is a high mountain town. Because the air in the desert is so ...
[生肉]The Hottest Place on Earth 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 0播放 选集(0) 自动播放 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~ 【分钟地球】地球上最热的地方在哪里? @靛蓝字幕组 集数:2 相关推荐 31:47 生肉《山谷崛起》(中) 705播放 19:26 生肉《烹 Cooked》1of4... 1188播放 02:40 【分钟地球】...
The city best known for being the middle of nowhere Timbuktu is also a hot-hot-hot place. Timbuktu sits on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, about 10 miles north of the Niger River. The town is surrounded by sand dunes and the streets are often covered in sand. With a recorded...
答案1.B:2.D:3.A:4.C:5.C 解析 1.细节理解题.根据第一段第一、 二句” Dallol is the hottst pl- ace on Earth.It is in Ethiopia”可知,最热的 方是埃塞 比亚,故答案选B 2.细节理解题。 根据第一段第四句” Many people travel to D- allol from the closest villages to work”可知许多...
Rites Of Passage 2-SHOWTIME by:嘻哈有态度 658 Rite Of Passage-Will Brennan by:嘻哈有态度 8236 《A Passage To India》 by:大块头不要虚度年华 1万 故事会15年15期 by:腹有诗书气自华2025 543 15家 by:墨澜molan 6564 15班 by:光爱141319 ...
【地球上最热的地方㈡火山】BBC.The.Hottest.Place.on.Earth②Der.Vulkan.Dabbahu.720p 【地球上最热的地方㈢岩湖】BBC.The.Hottest.Place.on.Earth③Der.Lavasee.Des.Erta.Ale.720p 展开目录 地球上最热的地方 预览 THE END 自然百科 # 科普# 11-14岁# 英语# 益智动画片# 其他学科# 纪录片# 通识国学 ...
.The hottest place on Earth Death Valley is one of the world's hottest areas, but the place with the record for the highest temperature is El Aziziy a in Libya. There, the temperature reached a record of57.8℃ in 1922. Death Valley's highest temperature on record is 56.7 C. That's ...
The hydrogeochemistry of shallow groundwater from Lut Desert, Iran: The hottest place on EarthThis paper presents the first shallow groundwater geochemical data from the Lut Desert (Dash(-e-Lut), one of the hottest places on the planet. The waters are Na-Cl brines that have undergone ...