1. Poor Things (2023) This multiple-academy-award-winning fantasy drama is set in an alternate steam-punk 1880s. It is based on the 1992 novel ‘Poor Things: Episodes from the Early Life of Archibald McCandless M.D., Scottish Public Health Officer’ by Alasdair Gray. The film follows t...
Episodes: 24 Aired: January 2010 – June 2010 In Tokyo’s downtown district of Ikebukuro exist a plethora of rumours of anonymous gangs and swathes of urban legends; however, none of these compare to that of the headless “Black Rider”, the supposed rider of a jet-black motorcycle. Ryuu...
Video model and singer Erica Mena joined the cast ofLove & Hip-Hopfor the second season of the drama-filled reality show. A Bronx native, Mena did not fail to turn up. More recently, she's been pursuing a career in music, at first with the help of Rich Dollaz. The two have since ...
Reef Break Cat, a thief turned fixer for the governor of a tropical island, is “charming, sexy and deeply vulnerable,” says star and producerPoppy Montgomery. The drama features crime, love triangles and one badass woman. We’re in. (ABC, June 20) Credit:Courtesy of Ray Micksha...
followers not to give up trying when they are attempting to change their bodies. Julia’s fit physique is a testament to hours of work in the gym paying off. To see more of Julia (and find out where herlove story with Brandon Gibbstakes her), watch new episodes of90 Day Fiancéon ...
Efron showed off his toned upper body in four different episodes of his YouTube series, “Off the Grid,” from March to July 2019. He spent time in the Arizona desert, enjoyed snow in Park City, Utah, went fishing in the L.A. River, and tried off-roading in Mammoth Lakes, California...
“When chefs Aaron Franklin and Tyson Cole came together to create Loro, we had no idea how much guests would love this new culinary experience,” CEO Tony Montero says. “The blending of Texas BBQ and Southeast Asian flavors has been so well received that the decision to grow was pretty ...