These are the spiciest peppers around–holders of multiple Guinness world records and the base for many of the hottest hot sauces around. They all make jalapeño peppers look like child’s play. And while their differences in Scoville heat units may look vast, your experience will be ...
For comparison, a habañero pepper clocks in at 350,000 on the Scoville scale, and the humble jalapeño measures up to 8,000, according to hot pepper blogPepperScale. Hot sauces, ranked from tepid to scorching33 photos The newly grown chili could have interesting public health benefits: it...
You can only buy sauces made from it. In fact, I even contacted Ed Currie at PuckerButt Pepper Company and offered $200 for a single plant. If I am wrong and you people claiming to be growing Pepper X aren’t lying (which we already know you are), please point me in the ...
And he's spreading that buzz through his prize pepper, the fearsome Carolina Reaper, currently ranked as the hottest pepper in the world –about 1,000 times hotter than a jalapeno. Super-hot chili pepper sends man to the hospital with "thunderclap" headaches (CBS News, 04/09/18) ...