To Undo the Previous ActionFrom the Edit menu select Undo.To Redo the Previous ActionClick on a hotkey in the main Hotkey Editor window. From the Edit menu select Redo. The status bar at the bottom of the window will indicate which hotkey was redone....
Ctrl + FFind and replace. Ctrl + Enter orCtrl + SCompile the project. Ctrl + ZUndo. Ctrl + YRedo. Ctrl + HomeGo to the first line of the current file. Ctrl + EndGo to the last line of the current file. Ctrl + Shift + LGo to a specific line (opens a dialog). ...
Ctrl + Z Undo an action. Ctrl + Y Redo an action. Ctrl + D Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin. Ctrl + Esc Open the Start Menu. Ctrl + Shift Switch the keyboard layout. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager. Ctrl + F4 Close the active window. CachedSince:...
Note These hotkeys function in both the Tree Window and the Generation Editor.Key comboFunction Ctrl+C (macOS: Cmd+C) Copy Ctrl+V (macOS: Cmd+V) Paste Ctrl+X (macOS: Cmd+X) Cut Ctrl+Y (macOS: Cmd+Y) Redo Ctrl+Z (macOS: Cmd+Z) Undo...
Redo ctrl + shift + z Undo ctrl + z Refresh Components alt + shift + r Refresh Project alt + r Set as Landing Page ctrl + shift + l Add panels and visualizations actions ActionShortcut New Analytics for Target Panel alt + g New Attribution Panel alt + e New Blank Panel alt + b ...
PasteCtrl + V UndoBACK DEL Ctrl + Z RedoFORWARD Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Shift + Z Open Preference windowCtrl + , Switch to last brushS Toggle fullscreen UITab / T Quit appCtrl + Q Fit canvas to windowCtrl + 0 Clear selectionCtrl + D...
Redo cmd+shift+z ctrl+shift+z Undo cmd+z ctrl+z Refresh Components opt+shift+r alt+shift+r Refresh Project opt+r alt+r Set as Landing Page cmd+shift+l ctrl+shift+l Add panels and visualizations actions ActionShortcut MacShortcut Windows New Attribution Panel opt+e alt+e ...
Ctrl/Cmd+Z Undo Ctrl+Y (Windows only) Redo Cmd+Shift+Z (Mac only) Redo Ctrl/Cmd+X Cut Ctrl/Cmd+C Copy Ctrl/Cmd+V Paste Ctrl/Cmd+D Duplicate Shift+Del Delete F Frame (centre) selection Ctrl/Cmd+F Find Ctrl/Cmd+A Select All Ctrl/Cmd+P Play Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P Pause Ctrl/Cmd+Alt...
14. Undo/Redo ⌘ + Z / ⌘ + ⇧ + Z. Perhaps remedial, but important nonetheless. Undo is likely to become one of the most used Ableton hotkeys in your arsenal (that isn’t a dig at your work!). On the flip side, Redo has your back when you change your mind. ...