Then add this macro to the Quick Access Toolbar so you can fire it using an Alt key shortcut. Hope that helps alew84 replied tojslabarge Oct 16 201901:04 PM @jslabargeCTRL + spacebar + C should do it (I'm using Excel 2016) bilbobackend replied toalew84 Oct 20 ...
Home brings you all the way to the left of your message, and End to the right. Moreover, and just like when you're on a page, CTRL + Home brings you all the way to the top of your message, and CTRL + End to the bottom. When you want to highlight something all the way ...
Excel Help Task Pane - Hotkey to close Quite frequently, I press F1 instead of F2. How can I close the Excel Help Task Pane without my hands leaving the keyboard? Thanks. excel Reply alew84 Copper Contributor Oct 16, 2019 jslabarge CTRL + spacebar + C should do it (I'm ...
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