Being so close to the Ziggo Dome was brilliant especially after standing for 8 hours for Ateez! Breakfast..." "Big room. Big bathroom. It was clean. Bedding was clean. Esra checked us out really politely and friendly. We were allowed to check in and received a lengthy explanation about ...
Ziggo Dome (齐戈体育馆) - 车程 23 分钟 约翰克鲁伊夫体育馆 - 车程 25 分钟 查看更多 住宿简介 希尔弗瑟姆梅迪亚公园阿姆拉斯酒店 毗邻高尔夫球场的环保认证酒店 您可在希尔弗瑟姆梅迪亚公园阿姆拉斯酒店享受露台、花园和干洗/洗衣服务。要休息片刻,放松身心,可使用提供的桑拿房。除了酒吧和健身中心外,住客还可以连接...