我们的会议和活动场所既温馨私密又通风透气,有利于激发灵感和增进交流,而我们屡获殊荣的水疗中心和阿育吠陀护理中心能让客人与自己、与四周的海岛氛围充分地重建连接。独特的自然环境为团建和冒险之旅提供了无穷无尽的可能性 — 无论是水上活动还是水下活动,都各有一番精彩。
Discover all Centara hotels & offers in Maldives. Find all upcoming events and explore local attractions & cultural points of interest in a series of rich articles
World-class spas, luxury resorts, and exquisite dining are the norm. From guest rooms with infinity pools and private villas that look out to the endless blue and gold horizon, world class accommodations await in the Maldives. Popular activities include what is arguably the world's best ...
库达呼拉岛屹立于印度洋宁静祥和的碧绿水域间,坐落于北马累环礁,自马累国际机场出发,乘坐快艇 25 分钟即可抵达。 让我们为您妥帖安排交通服务。+960 66 44 800联系我们 须知信息 抵达时礼遇 在您抵达马累国际机场后,四季酒店代表将热忱相迎,并护送您前往早已等候在侧的快艇就座,航行 25 分钟后,便可抵达库达呼拉...
“The Maldives has its own mystique and allure,” says Radha Arora, President of Rosewood Hotels & Resorts. “Given its well-earned reputation as a haven for discerning travelers, we are very excited to bring our unique brand of Rosewood lifestyle and hospitality to this chain of islands....
无论您是想寻求探险、放松还是浪漫之旅,都可以下榻我们的海滩别墅、别墅或特色套房,让酒店专属的优惠和套餐为您缔造一段难忘的马尔代夫逍遥之旅。 所有优惠 优惠房价保证 提前预订特惠 — 高达 20% 折扣 提前预订,尊享“含早套餐”高达 20% 的折扣优惠。
Discover the beauty of the Maldives through the lens of Maldives Times. Explore stunning beaches, vibrant marine life, and luxurious resorts in Maldives.
Hotels/resorts are built on uninhabited islands and transfer to these islands resorts is commonly by local boats (dhoni), speedboats and by seaplane. Choose from our specially selected resorts, which are in fact amongst the best in the Maldives....
在配备空调的多功能厅(有两间可选)举行富有成效的会议,然后在日落时分邀宾客来到细腻柔软的沙滩上啜饮鸡尾酒。精彩纷呈的团体活动和闲适惬意的海岛住所,令这个独一无二的会议目的地更加美好。 满足您的一切所需 海岛住所 在奢华的海岛别墅里,您的宾客可以享受赏心悦目的传统马尔代夫设计元素和精彩纷呈的室内外特色,...
Explore the finest Maldives resorts with Maldives Holiday Offers! Plan your next vacation with the assistance of our team.