Make sure you knowhow to check for bed bugsBEFORE you spend the night. During Your Stay Inspect your accommodations: Before settling in, inspect your room for signs of bed bugs. Check the mattress, box spring, headboard, and other furniture for bloodstains, fecal spots, and live bed bugs....
Nervously Checking Hotel Rooms for BedbugsJackson, Kristin
The resurgence of bed bugs in the United States creates challenges for hotels and motels. One aspect that is especially important to hospitality are reports of bed bugs and how they affect travellers’ selection and potential damage to hotel brands. To address this issue, we conduct a choice ex...
Ninety percentof hotels have treated for bed bugs – four out of five have treated within the past year and almost half of all hotels have treated for bed bugs in the past month. When left undetected or untreated, a bed bug infestation can lead to costly remediation work, customer complaint...
They may be small, but they’re no match for my detailed hotel room sweep. Then you can finally relax on your trip knowing you outsmarted those pesky bed bugs. When You Enter, Don’t Unpack Yet The very first thing to do before settling in is inspect your room for signs of bed bugs...
Bedbugs are everywhere. If you want to avoid getting bitten, here’s what you need to do. When you arrive in your room, immediately drop your belongings in a safe place like the bathroom. You want to stash your luggage somewhere it’s hard for bedbugs to hide, and the bathroom is a...
To avoid bringing bed bugs home with you, it’s important to thoroughly inspect your hotel room before settling in. Check the mattress and box spring for any signs of bugs or their tiny black droppings. Look for blood stains on the sheets and inspect the seams of the mattress and furniture...
Summer means travel, and things can go a lot smoother if you know a few secrets. Anthony Melchiorri, host of Travel Channel's "Hotel Impossible," visits TODAY to reveal inside information on how to ensure your hotel room is secure and sanitary - and bedb
Bed bugs have been in the news lately and it?s cast a light on how hotels, motels and other guest accommodation facilities dispose of beds, infested or otherwise,? said George Rohlfing, owner of the family-owned and operated Brookline Transportation, Inc (BTI). ?Part of the hospitality ...
We had heard that Le Cheval Blanc was under new ownership, so we decide to go there for dinner one Sunday. In fact this restaurant is possibly the only one in Ste Maure open on a Sunday evening. The décor in the restaurant used to be da...