Book Now Contact Us +− Leaflet| ©OpenStreetMapcontributors Regal Pacific Hotel Buenos Aires 25 de Mayo 764, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1002 ABP, Argentina T+54 11 4310-7000 Learn More
Regal Pacific Hotels At Regal Pacific we care that, within different styles, you can find the excellence in service and quality that always sets us apart. Located in privileged locations, both in Santiago and Buenos Aires, you can be sure that you will be able to move easily and you can ...
Hotel Regal Pacific en Santiago de Chile. Web Oficial. de 5* estrellas situado en Apoquindo 5680, Las Condes, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile., Santiago de Chile. Reserve online al Mejor Precio.
Embark on a discovery at dawn. Ascent to the summit of the Lantau silver mine before daybreak as your personal guide regales you with the history behind the Silveri hotel. Your reward: the shimmering golden hue of sunrise. Hotel de la Coupole Sapa, Vietnam ...
预订超过5间客房时,需遵循不同的政策和额外的补充条款。 显示更多 关于多尔门酒店 (Hotel Dolmen) 多尔门酒店 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯的4.0星级酒店 多尔门酒店是一家位于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的4.0星级酒店。酒店提供优质的服务和舒适的住宿环境,是您在这座美丽城市中的理想选择。酒店的入住时间从下午3点开始,退房时间为...
Hotels by Region Africa Asia Australia & South Pacific Canada Caribbean Europe Latin America Mexico Middle East United States All Hotels Most Popular Hotel Cities Bangkok, Thailand Barcelona, Spain Beijing, China Berlin, Germany Buenos Aires, Argentina Chicago, Illinois Delhi, India Dubai, United Arab...
Spain Buenos Aires, Argentina Mexico City, Mexico Beirut, Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Alexandria, VA, United States Makati City, Philippines Lagos, Nigeria Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mexico City, Mexico Gurgaon, India INTA 2009 131th ANNUAL MEETIN...