沙漠温泉水疗酒店 (Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel) 10805 Palm Drive, 沙漠温泉, 沙漠温泉中心(CA), 美国, CA 92240-查看地图 沙漠温泉水疗酒店是您远离喧嚣的宁静绿洲,拥有天然热矿泉、令人惊叹的沙漠景观和全天候服务。享受客房服务和 24 小时前台服务,为您带来便利。在您的客房内享用丰盛的早餐开始新的一天之前...
沙漠温泉水疗酒店(Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel)都将竭诚为您服务,让您的每一次入住都成为一次美好的回忆,在线预订沙漠温泉水疗酒店(Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel),就上携程。酒店预订,酒店导航,酒店钟点房,特价酒店,选携程更放心! 快速链接 品牌酒店 携程酒店 酒店大全 国内目的地 热门城市 北京酒店 上海酒店 ...
#8 of 22 hotels in Desert Hot Springs 66540 San Marcus Road, Desert Hot Springs, Greater Palm Springs, CA 92240 Write a review View prices for your travel dates View available hotels Did you already book this hotel?...
Lido Palms Hotel Desert Hot Springs Lido Palms Resort And Spa Desert Hot Springs, CA Lido Palms Resort Desert Hot Springs Lido Palms Resort Lido Palms Desert Hot Springs Hotel Lido Palms Resort & Spa Desert Hot Springs Desert Hot Springs Lido Palms Resort & Spa Hotel Hotel Lido Palms Resort...
Address:10805 Palm Dr, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Phone:+17603296000 Website:http://dhsspa.com Spas Hotels Viceroy Palm Springs Take refuge at Viceroy, Palm Springs' most distinctive boutique resort and spa in Southern California. Designed in a modern interpretation of the Hollywood Regency sty...
Triada Palm Springs - 640 N. Indian Canyon Drive, California 92262" (760) 844-7000Triada Palm Springs Phone BOOK YOUR STAYBOOK YOUR STAY Best Rate Guarantee $616 Your Oasis in the California DesertARRIVAL DEPARTURE ROOMS ADULTS CHILDREN Check Availability Check Availability ...
Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel The Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel has 50 rooms around a courtyard with 8 natural mineral spring pools. Spa-goers and sun worshipers come from far and wide! . Address:10805 Palm Dr, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Phone:+17603296000 Website:http://dhsspa.com Sp...
Tuscan Springs is a luxurious mineral water resort destination located in Desert Hot Springs, California, just north of Palm Springs, California. A 350ft aqua well fills our pools and jacuzzis with 115 degree mineral water which is regulated to soaking
Tuscan Springs is a Hot Mineral Water Hotel & Spa tucked away in Desert Hot Springs, Ca just north of Palm Springs, Ca. This lavish Italian inspired Sixteen Room Boutique Hotel features two natural hot mineral water Jacuzzis and a large natural hot mineral water pool. All of our water is...