要前往斯巴达快捷假日酒店,最近的机场是位于伊利诺伊州的布劳恩机场(Benton Airport),距离酒店大约20公里。您可以选择租车,沿着州际公路向北行驶,约需30分钟即可抵达酒店。沿途风景如画,您将欣赏到美丽的乡村景色,给您的旅程增添不少乐趣。 如果您选择乘坐出租车或共享打车服务(如Uber或Lyft),也是一个方便的选择。司机会...
- Location: Fort Benton - Year built: 1882 Fort Benton's Grand Union is the oldest, continuously operating hotel in Montana. At the time of construction, it washailed as the finest hotel between Chicago and Seattle, the last gasp of luxury for wealthy passengers heading west. Like many gran...
在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,Edwins(西餐)、Cafe Naschkatze和John Benton(John Benton)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。 酒店提供的体育和休闲设施,旨在为旅客营造多姿多彩的住宿体验。酒店配置有会议厅,定能满足您商务活动方面的需求。外国旅客可以通过多国语言工作人员了解当地风土人...
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在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,Edwins(西餐)、Cafe Naschkatze和John Benton(John Benton)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。 酒店提供的体育和休闲设施,旨在为旅客营造多姿多彩的住宿体验。酒店配置有会议厅,定能满足您商务活动方面的需求。外国旅客可以通过多国语言工作人员了解当地风土人...
您可以品尝到BOXPARK Shoreditch (Restaurant)的创意美食,或者在Flat Iron (Bentong Town)享受美味的扒房。如果您喜欢烟熏风味,那么Smokestak绝对是您的不二选择。此外,The Dickens Inn提供英式传统菜肴,Tayyabs则是享受印度美食的绝佳去处。喜欢啤酒的朋友可以去BrewDog Shoreditch或者...
贴心的送餐服务可以满足那些喜欢在私人场合进餐的旅客。倘若您觉得酒店的餐饮服务无法满足您的需求,附近的Edwins(西餐)、Cafe Naschkatze和John Benton(John Benton)不妨可以试试。 旅客可以在闲暇时间去酒店的休闲区,提升健康幸福感。酒店设有24小时前台咨询服务,为下榻至此的您提供最贴心的行程安排。
Die Ecke is a charming bistro that specializes in traditional German fare, while Restaurant Oblinger is known for its innovative and contemporary dishes. For a juicy steak or a hearty burger, John Benton is the place to be. Coffee lovers will appreciate Kaufmanns Frucht & Bohne im Stadtmarkt...
- Location: Fort Benton - Year built: 1882 Fort Benton's Grand Union is the oldest, continuously operating hotel in Montana. At the time of construction, it was hailed as the finest hotel between Chicago and Seattle, the last gasp of luxury for wealthy passengers heading west. Like many gr...
Brook Benton 歌词 专辑信息 1.La Stagione Dell'uva 2.Evergreen Tree 3.Lonely Weekends 4.Glamour 5.Billy Jean 6.Yellow Bird 7.Etoile 8.Rollin' Stone 9.Night Club 10.I'm the Wild Man 11.I Don't Worry About A Thing 12.Don't Forget to Smile ...