魁北克老城酒店 (Hotel du Vieux Quebec) 3等级(最高为5等级) 1190 Rue Saint-Jean, 老魁北克, 魁北克市(QC), 加拿大, G1R 1S6-查看地图 住宿位于魁北克市(QC)老魁北克的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的魁北克老城。 这家酒店的设施十分完善,可大大提升您的住宿品质,...
Medically Assisted Death: Nancy B. V. Hotel-Dieu De QuebecIn Nancy B. v. Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, the Quebec Superior Court held that a patient was legally entitled to discontinue and decline medical treatment when she foSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Hôtel Dieu de Québec 便利店 1.33 km Couche-Tard 取款服务 0 m ATM 显示更多 酒店政策 儿童及加床 0-17岁儿童 [含17岁] 在不加床且不超出客房总人数限制的情况下,可免费入住。 加床政策根据您所选定的客房而有所不同,更多详情请查看您所选定的客房人数限制。 请在搜索条件中列入准确的大人及儿童数,以...
Hotel Dieu hotel manager hotel occupancy hotel plan hotel room hotel-casino Hotel-de-ville Hotel-Dieu hoteldom hotelier hotelkeeper hotelling hotelman Hoten Hotere hotfoot hot-fudge sauce Hoth hothead Hot-head hotheaded hot-headed hot-headedness ...
Lieu : Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, Bas-Saint-Laurent, Southeastern Quebec, Québec, Canada, Amérique du Nord Voir sur OpenStreetMapLatitude48,0064° ou 48° 0' 23" nord Longitude-69,04122° ou 69° 2' 28" ouest Open location code87WG2X45+HG OpenStreetMap IDnode 9416626726 Carac...
勃艮第酒店(Hotel de Bourgogne) 1 rue porte des pres, 克吕尼显示地图 勃艮第酒店位于克鲁尼,距离École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers和Église Abbatiale不到 5 分钟步行路程。 此酒店距离克鲁尼修道院 0.1 英里(0.2 公里),距离Église Notre Dame 0.2 英里(0.4 公里)。查看更多 ...
Le Monastère des Augustines, part of the 1639-built Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, was a convent for centuries, but in 2015 reopened with a new mission. Not many city hotels like this lure you in for mindfulness and “museotherapy.” Le Monastère’s legacy today is providing carers seeking mu...
著名的景点Hotel-Dieu Augustines Museum、Seminary Museum和Le Monastere des Augustines均可步行很短距离到达。 酒店种类繁多的休闲设施能为每一位下榻于此的您创造多元化的休闲空间,这其中包括桑拿浴室和健身室。酒店配备有会议厅,可供旅客使用。外国旅客可以通过多国语言工作人员了解当地风土人情的相关信息。
Hotel De Ville Of Paris Edit image Beach Hotel Resort Edit image Architecture Brazil Rio Edit image Quebec Old Quebec Edit image Nice Boulevard Edit image Hotel De Ville Bordeaux Edit image Hôtel De Ville Paris Edit image Le Havre Building Edit image Hotel De Ville Hotel Edit image Beaune Fr...
摘要: A "highly effective" three-way partnership between architects Anshen + Allen, the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Laing O'Rourke, has created a non-institutional and welcoming new cancer treatment and renal services centre in Newcastle upon Tyne which, despite the gru...