re_num_night['hotel']='Resort hotel' ci_num_night['per_night_booking']=(ci_num_night['total_nights']/ci_num_night['total_nights'].sum())*100 re_num_night['per_night_booking']=(re_num_night['total_nights']/re_num_night['total_nights'].sum())*100 nights_data=pd.concat([ci...
cancel_corr.abs().sort_values(ascending=False)[1:] 由上表可知lead_time, total_of_special_requests, required_car_parking_spaces, booking_changes , previous_cancellations是最重要的5个数值型特征。 然而,将来要预测一个订单是否会被取消,由于特征中的the number of booking changes随时间是可能发生变化的,...
sns.heatmap(corr,linewidths=1,annot=True)#画矩阵热力图 useless_col=['days_in_waiting_list','arrival_date_year','arrival_date_year','assigned_room_type','booking_changes','reservation_status','country','days_in_waiting_list']#根据相关系数删除值小的列 df.drop(useless_col,axis=1,inplae=...
数据获取阶段:引入pandas库,打开从Kaggle网站下载到本地的Hotel booking demand.csv(119390 rows × 32 columns)。 数据清洗阶段:缺失值填充({'children':0, 'country':'unkown', 'agent':0,' company':0}),异常值处理(某些行包括0 adults, 0 children和0 babies为无效订单),筛选出城市酒店和度假酒店的未取...
515k Hotel Reviews in Europe 515,738 Kaggle Data exploration done in Explore_reviews.ipynb Hotel review data scraped from 2017 Google Local Businesses Data Set 3,114,353 (464,906 for Spain, France, UK, Italy, Austria, Netherlands) J.McAuley and others Data exploration done in ...
Data Hotel booking demand on Kaggle Data File hotel_bookings.csv Data Description This data set contains booking information for a city hotel and a resort hotel, and includes information such as when the booking was made, length of stay, the number of adults, children, and/or babies, and th...
The proposed model experiments are based on a hotel review dataset crawled from The data comes from scraping. The entire content of the file is already freely accessible to everyone. Please be aware that is the original owner of the data. In the task of...
Hotel Ibis Paris Gare du Nord Chateau Landon) by U.K team member) Train If the delivery country is U.S., there will be an option to print the ticket. ...
这个项目是来自Kaggle的Hotel booking demand 项目,该数据集包含城市酒店和度假酒店的预订信息,包括预订时间、入住时间、成人、儿童和/或婴儿的数量以及可用停车位的数量等信息。 本次项目将会使用到三种工具,分别为: Python -数据清理 Tableau Public -数据可视化 ...
kaggle项目 - 酒店预订需求 2 数据集介绍 数据集下载自一篇ScienceDirect的论文Hotel booking demand datasets。本数据集包含一个csv文件( hotel_bookings.csv ),包含32个字段,119390条记录。内容是两家酒店的预定信息,包含预定日期,预定时长。数据已经清洗过且删去了任何涉及住户隐私的信息。