BHMS瑞士工商酒店管理学院 Business & Hotel Management School 瑞士留学小众宝藏学校大盘点,的主角是—BHMS瑞士工商酒店管理学院,一所瑞士性价比极高的酒店管理学院,适合酒店管理、旅游管理的专业的学生以及希望进一步提升自己工作能力的酒店行业从业人员。 一、学校概况 【学校性质】私立大学 【地理位置】瑞士琉森 【师生...
MBA学位课程是研究生热门课程,同时MBA毕业生受到国际企业的欢迎。原因在于MBA毕业生不仅具备理论与实践知识,而且通过在瑞士业内的实习证明了其能力。BHMS瑞士工商酒店管理学院毕业生有能力胜任工作并能够推动企业的不断发展。 教育+业内实习经验 BHMS瑞士工商酒店管理学院学生在完成学业的同时,可以在瑞士进行业内实习,获得...
Journal of Business and Hotel ManagementISSN: 2324-9129 All submissions of the EM system will be redirected toOnline Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit articles directly toOnline Manuscript Submission Systemof respective journal. ...
The Journal of Business and Hotel Management is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge academic research of seminal importance in the scientific field.
Therefore, for hotel managers to experience improved levels of learning from networking they should connect more with individuals in the area of hospitality business both within and outside their companies. Hence they should focus focus to a lesser extent on creating networks with individuals outside...
Guests will do more research than ever on the lodging choice and destination they are considering taking the family. more SponsoredManagement Appointment Hotel Equities Adrienne Jubbdrienne Jubb Named Senior Vice President of Business Development Western U.S. for Hotel Equities Adrienne’s most ...
Want to grow your hotel business by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones? Here are the best blogs on tips for successful hotel management.
This study examines the choice between management contracts and franchise agreements in the corporate development of international hotel companies. The fact that contractual modes of corporate development are quite prevalent in the hotel sector world-wide, in combination with the lack of research in that...