Discover the most secretive underground racing arena in the world of Hot Wheels™, where the Teku and Metal Maniacs train to compete in the World Race. Welcome to the AcceleDrome! Inside Dr Tezla's headquarters, you can experience all the thrills of racing and the adventures of AcceleRacers...
Descubre la pista subterránea más secreta de Hot Wheels™, donde Teku y Metal Maniacs entrenan para competir en la World Race. ¡Te damos la bienvenida al AcceleDrome! Dentro de la base del Dr. Tezla, sentirás la adrenalina de las carreras y aventuras de AcceleRacers, algo ideal para...
HOT WHEELS™ - AcceleRacers Hollowback™ Overzicht Metal Maniacs opgelet! Tork Maddox' legendarische auto stort zich in de strijd, een muscle car die is aangepast om alles en iedereen te weerstaan! En dat maakt 'm juist zo onweerstaanbaar! Het zal geen verrassing zijn dat Hollowback...
Ontdek de meest geheime ondergrondse race-arena uit de wereld van Hot Wheels™, waar de Teku en Metal Maniacs oefenen voor de World Race. Welkom in de AcceleDrome! In het hoofdkwartier van Dr. Tezla ervaar je de spanning en avonturen van de AcceleRacers, een geweldig cadeau voor alle f...
Discover the most secretive underground racing arena in the world of Hot Wheels™, where the Teku and Metal Maniacs train to compete in the World Race. Welcome to the AcceleDrome! Inside Dr Tezla's headquarters, you can experience all the thrills of racing and the adventures of Accel...
HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 – AcceleRacers Free Pack 3 Directly from Team Teku’s collection of cars, here is Battle Spec™, created to impress with its beauty as much as its speed. Its carbon fibre monocoque frame hides an impressive power that as the name implies is ready for any ba...
A 500 hp monster that stands out for its asymmetric wheels, smaller at the front and larger at the back, which give the car even better aerodynamics. When looking for victory, Jack Hammer™ hammers all opponents with star performances. Add AcceleRacers Free Pack 3 to your collection ...
而来自 Metal Maniacs 车队的 Jack Hammer™ 则以其不对称的车轮脱颖而出,以出色的表现向对手发起猛烈打击。 游戏类型 竞速 特色 Online Multiplayer单人支持手柄 HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - AcceleRacers Free Pack 3 来自Teku 车队的车辆系列,这里有 Battle Spec™,旨在以其美感和速度给人留下深刻印象。
Hot Wheels: AcceleRacers - Ignição: Dirigido por Andrew Duncan, Gino Nichele. Com Kathleen Barr, Lisa Ann Beley, Dexter Bell, Michael Donovan. Após os eventos da corrida mundial, duas equipes de corrida, Teku e Metal Maniacs, se enfrentam em novos
来发现 Hot Wheels™ 世界中最神秘的底下赛车场吧!在那里,Teku 和Metal Maniacs 为了在 World Race 上比拼而训练。欢迎来到AcceleDrome!在 Dr. Tezla 的总部里,你可以体验赛车时的所有惊险刺激和 AcceleRacers 的冒险,此系列的所有粉丝们都可以尽情享受!那是一个巨大的空间,运用了最先进的技术解决方案,也结合了...