Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2: Com Sharon Alexander, Yvonne Campeau, Garry Chalk, Jim Conrad. Join a rapid race by the picturesque tracks and tense escapes from the police, or play as a police officer in Hot Pursuit 2.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 极品飞车6:热力追踪2的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
极品飞车:热力追踪 2NFS:HP2 / NFS:HP2 / Need For Speed : Poursuite Infernale 2Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 Black Box Games,EA Seattle 2002-09-30 8.97.5 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 8.9 7.5 自从1995 年发行极品飞车以来,这一系列赛车游戏都获得了巨大的成功。基于真实世界的赛车,富有挑...
I can feel the nostalgia from Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (PS2). I can't give it less than a 10, this game is perfect. Report PlayStation 4 7 Poompop_Gaming Jun 30, 2023 An another *** money grabbing remaster from EA but if you are talking about the gameplay it's great ...
霍夫海滩Crockett大道上有家名为“热咖啡”(Hot Coffee)的咖啡厅。 《侠盗猎车手:血战唐人街》中,李黄在任务“Pursuit Farce”结尾问单玲要不要来点“咖啡”,不过单玲拒绝他的提议。 《侠盗猎车手V》中,丹尼斯·克林顿在她的Lifeinvader页面上大骂富兰克林总是在自己“跟男人在家里喝咖啡”的时候闯进来。更多...
Need For Speed. A well known racing series. One of the best NFS's in my opinion has to be Hot Pursuit. I originally played the original on the Ps2. I loved it. The graphics were smooth, the gameplay was fun, along with the rest of the game, which was spot-on. Then Criterion (...
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中文名称:极品飞车6 热力追踪2 英文名称:Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2 游戏类型:RAC 制作厂商:...
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