对于动态更新,还需要内核中开启热插拔(hotplugging)支持。www.ebdlab.com|基于50个网页 2. 内核配置时增加热插拔支持 你还必须在内核配置时增加热插拔支持(hotplugging)。Here's a typical code snippet from the init script:以下是系统初始化脚 …deshunfan.blog.163.com|基于5个网页...
热插拔(hot-plugging或Hot Swap)即带电插拔,允许用户在不关闭操作系统,不用切断电源的情况下取出和...
Define Hotplugging. Hotplugging synonyms, Hotplugging pronunciation, Hotplugging translation, English dictionary definition of Hotplugging. n computing the insertion or removal of peripheral devices, disks, etc while a computer is still running without e
hot plugging带电插拔
2) hot plugging 带电插拔 例句>> 3) pluggable 可插拔 1. Research and implementation on pluggable framework for access control 可插拔访问控制框架的研究与实现 2. The pluggable framework for access control(PFAC) is proposed. 提出了可插拔访问控制框架,该框架主要由信息抽取器、插拔配置器、访问...
1) hot plugging 带电插拔 例句>> 2) Hot-pluggable 可带电插拔的 3) slide-in cable joint 插拔式电缆 1. Flexible power cable, fastslide-in cable joints and terminations as well as vehicle with 15 kV high voltage unit, 400 V low voltage unit, overload protection and line on/off control ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook HP (redirected fromHotplugging) Dictionary Encyclopedia AcronymDefinition HPHewlett-Packard HPHorsepower HPHome Page HPHigh Performance HPHigh Power(ed) HPHigh Point(geographical) HPHealth Plan HPHigh-Profile HPHidden Power(Pokemon) ...
热插拔(hot-plugging或Hot Swap)即带电插拔,热插拔功能就是允许用户在不关闭系统,不切断电源的情况下取出和更换损坏的硬盘、电源或板卡等部件,从而提高了系统对灾难的及时恢复能力、扩展性和灵活性等,例如一些面向高端应用的磁盘镜像系统都可以提供磁盘的热插拔功能。具体用学术的说法就是:热替换(Hot replacement)、...
Hot-plugging a device means the device is added or removed without shutting down the operating system or powering off the system. All USB devices are hot-pluggable. When you hot-plug a USB device, the device is immediately seen in the system's device hierarchy, as displayed in theprtconfcom...
How does hot plugging work? Hot plugging might involve some administrative action on the part of the user. For example, if the user is plugging in a new hard drive, the system will require the user to mount it after installation. The removal of the hard drive likewise requires the user ...