Hot Keys IME メッセージ IME ウィンドウ クラス 入力コンテキスト 状態、構成、および候補の Windows 入力メソッド マネージャーの使用 Input メソッド マネージャー リファレンス 国際フォントとテキスト表示 多言語ユーザー インターフェイス ...
Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) Microsoft IME Language Model Manager Microsoft IME Pad Microsoft InPort Adapter Mouse Microsoft Integrated USB Hub Microsoft Internet Keyboard Microsoft Internet Keyboard Composite Device Microsoft Internet Keyboard Consumer Controls Microsoft Internet Keyboard Hot Keys Mic...
You can reassign some keys to access different commands, shortcuts, or Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center features to better fit your work style. Note: The options listed in this wizard vary depending on the key selected. For example, since you cannot reassign the Windows ...
Microsoft accessories You can reassign some keys to access different commands, shortcuts, or Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center features to better fit your work style. Note:The options listed in this wizard vary depending on the key selected. For example, since you cannot reassign the Win...
HotKeyz is akeyboard utilitywithhotkey/shortcut controlfor executing files, folders, Start / Run commands, opening your mail, browsing to a website and logging in and much more ... SlimKEYS v.1.1.1 Type a few letters to open applications, documents, passwords or posts. Resize...
Microsoft has messed up language switching hot keys since Windows 10, when hotkeys Ctrl+digit to switch to specific language stopped working.Now I'm trying...
Define hotkeys with Left/Right modifier keys (<Ctrl>, <Alt>,...) sensitive. Automatically control hotkey actions under certain conditions like "after holding down for 3 seconds", or "if some application is running currently". Don't forget Hotkey Commander provides automation tools like other...
MOD_WINEither WINDOWS key was held down. These keys are labeled with the Microsoft Windows logo. uVirtKey Specifies the virtual key code of the hot key. Remarks WM_HOTKEY is unrelated to the WM_GETHOTKEY and WM_SETHOTKEY hot keys. The WM_HOTKEY message is sent for generic hot keys whi...
Ctrl+F Shows the search box for the panel that is currently in focus. Supported in Connections, Data Results, and Query Editor panels Ctrl+Tab Shows Query Editor document selector dialog. You can hold Ctrl and switch between documents with Tab Ctrl+J Toggles the appearance of the result pane...
The following code example shows how to enable the mouse keys option, enable the hot key for that option, and direct the OS to play a siren sound when the user turns the mouse keys option on or off by using the hot key. 复制