Contestants compete during the 2024 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island, New York City, the United States, on July 4, 2024. The annual hot dog eating contest on Coney Island of New York City, U.S. state of New York, concluded on Thursday with a brand-new champion in the...
Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest 2024: Dog Eating’, Beer Drinkin’ Summer Fun in New York Every year on the famous fourth of July, 20 or so contestants gather on the corner of Surf and Stillwell Avenues in legendary Coney Island, New York. They are gathering in the name of Hot Dogs...
The contestants attended a weigh-in ahead of the 2024 Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest Wednesday ahead of Thursday's competition.
A three-way tie in the Clawson hot dog eating contest forced the contestants into a final round of eating three hot dogs the fastest. (FOX 2) - Move over Joey Chestnut, there's a new hot dog eating champion and his name is Josh Arredondo. He may have kept his hot dog consumpt...
Defending champion Miki Sudo has won her 10th title, and Patrick Bertoletti won his first men’s title at the 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog eating contest.
Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi will go head-to-head in a "winner-takes-all" hot dog eating matchup to air live on Netflix on Labor Day, Sep. 2.
If there's a tie the contestants go to a 5-hot-dog eat-off to see who can eat that many quickly. Further ties will result in a sudden-death eat-off of eating 1 more hot dog the fastest. 如果出现平局,看参赛者谁能最快吃完五个热狗。若再次平局进入突然死亡法加时赛,即用最快速度吃完...
ESPN’s participation–it has the rights to the event until 2024–has given the contest the trappings of a sporting event, complete with color commentary and hot-dog play-by-play by MCGeorge Shea, the PR man who has promoted it to the heights of pop culture it achieves for one summer ...
The only year Sudo didn’t compete was 2021 because she was 37 weeks pregnant with her son. She still attended the hot dog eating contest as a commentator for ESPN and went on to win for the eighth time the following year. How Did Miki Sudo Find Love in the Competitive Eating World?
New Strip Contest - the competition to define the Bunny of the year. 8 girls contestants try to receive this title. You are the judge in the jury team of 8 persons. You may choose your favorite girl, and help her to win the competition. This time judges don't give marks to contest...