Related to Hotdogs:Hotwire hot dog orhot·dog(hŏt′dôg′, -dŏg′) n. 1.A frankfurter, especially one served hot in a long soft roll. Also calledred-hot. 2.SlangOne who performs showy, often dangerous stunts, as in skiing or surfing. ...
hot dog和hot dogs的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同 1、hot dog:热狗。2、hot dogs:香肠面包。二、语法不同 1、hot dog:a frankfurter served hot on a bun热腾腾的法兰克福面包,通常放在面包卷上。2、hot dogs:a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork ...
Many expressions —a dog's life(c. 1600),go to the dogs(1610s),dog-cheap(1520s), etc. — reflect the earlier hard use of the animals as hunting accessories, not pets. In ancient times, "the dog" was the worst throw in dice (attested in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, where the wor...
Despite its name, the Coney Island hot dog didn’t originate in Coney Island, New York. The story of the Coney Island hot dogs began in the early 20th century when Greek immigrants came through New York’s Ellis Island and encountered hot dogs on Coney Island. After making their way furth...
The truck’s kitchen is ready to make tasty hot dogs. Choose your favorite sauce Will you go for ketchup or mustard? Select a drink Leo loves to mix the flavors when creating his drink. A creative gift for kids This kids’ toy Hot Dog Food Truck makes a great birthday or holiday gift...
Hot dog with mustard and ketchup. Starting a hot dog restaurant? Checkout these superb names. Meals A La Hot Dog Hot Dawg Crest Spring Taste Hot Dog Spiceberry Hot Dog Natureway Hot Dog The Hot Dog Eatery Rock -N- Dogs (Your Name’s) Hot Dog Hot Dogs A La Carte Good Vibes Hot ...
Need a new Hot Dog name? Get creative Hot Dog name ideas in seconds using our AI Hot Dog name generator! Start now.
Obviously, hot dogs do not contain dog, either. They have pork in them, whereaskosherhot dogs have no pork and are likely to contain beef, chicken, or turkey. (Fido’s safe!) The history of the hamburger While you’re out there at the grill, we might as well serve up some more fo...
In Coney Island, New York, Edward Krachie wolfed down 22 hot dogs, buns included, to win the annual Nathan's Famous Hot-Dog Eating Contest. CNN: Americans celebrate 220 years of freedom Jack Daniels licensed its name for use on a mustard, which is no big hit and may be poisoning the...