论坛导读:十字面包征(hot cross bun sign)简称十字征(cross sign),即磁共振 T2 加权像上脑桥的十字形异常高信号影,由 Savoiardo 等1990 年首次报道,其名称来源于基督教会在复活节前的礼拜四所烘焙的一种香甜美味的小面包,上面划有十字,分割出的四...
每日一读0301: 十字面包征【Hot Cross Bun sign】 "Hot Cross Bun"(HCB,十字面包征)是一种在磁共振成像(MRI)中观察到的特定脑部征象,特别是在小脑型多系统萎缩(Cerebellar subtype multiple system atrophy, MSA-C)的患者中。以下是对HCB征的详细...
hot cross bun 音标: 英音:[hɒt krɒs bʌn] 美音:[hɑːt krɑːs bʌn] 中文释义: 名词,热十字面包(一种在复活节前食用的、上面划有十字并嵌有果酱或干果的小圆面包) 单词起源: Hot cross buns的起源可以追溯到中世纪欧洲,尤其是与英国的宗教传统紧密相连。据说,这种面包最初是为了纪念...
The cross on top of the bun is a symbol of the religious significance of Easter, but it also adds a touch of elegance and tradition to the pastry. It’s a signature element that sets hot cross buns apart from other baked goods. I love these buns, they are so soft, flaky and sweet...
“Hot cross bun.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hot%20cross%20bun. Accessed 30 Jan. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of hot cross bun to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of hot cross bun on Twitter Twitter...
hot-cross bun in the Food, dish topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Food, dish: words, phrases and expressions | Food, dish
Define Hot-cross bun. Hot-cross bun synonyms, Hot-cross bun pronunciation, Hot-cross bun translation, English dictionary definition of Hot-cross bun. n. A sweet, spiced bun marked on top with a cross of frosting, traditionally eaten during Lent. American
Hot cross buns Glazed with honey Vegetarian 2 hrs 30 mins Not Too Tricky makes 12 About the recipe When it comes to Easter, you can’t beat indulging in a lovely, sticky hot cross bun. Give this recipe a go – I promise you’ll never buy the shop-bought versions again. nutrition ...
hot cross bun 美 英 na.十字霜糖面包 复数:hot cross buns 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 hot-cross-bun n. 1. 十字面包a small sweet bread roll that contains currants and has a pattern of a cross on top, traditionally eaten in Britain around Easter...