一旦达到特定点,她就会邀请您到里面喝咖啡,因此得名“ Hot Coffee”。《荒野大镖客:救赎2》改装者对Hot Coffee mod的尝试重新创建了相同的迷你游戏,尽管它是在轿车中接送而不是去约会女友。无论如何,似乎Take-Two和Rockstar都注意到了。YouTuberSwegta声称Take-Two和Rockstar的法定代表联系了该mod的创建者之一...
3894 1611 5472 370 AI小助手 测试版 记笔记 懂的都懂。 发现《Glamorous》 女友 侠盗猎车 游戏视频 GTASA GTA 侠盗飞车 新人 MOD 脚本 SEX
Inspired by the notorious GTA San Andreas mod. Changelog 0.0 - April Fools joke, spawned a coffee cup 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Redid everything! - Added ini file to change interact key. - Added interact menu. - Replaced blowjob and anal animations. ...
热咖啡= = 就是在任何地点按F5就是那啥,SHIFT+G和ALT+G是掏出和收起小JJ 。。。
-HotCoffeeJK.ini Para activar el mod usa la tecla "J" Para terminar el acto usa la tecla "E" Para cancelar el acto usa la tecla "ESC" Se requiere tambien las ultimas versiones: -ScriptHookV -ScriptHookVDotNet - Noche 135 -NativeUI ...
1、GTA:SA v1.0 完整版 2、女友无剪辑效果补丁(其实就是热咖啡,只不过安装的方法不太一样): http://games.sina.com.cn/downgames/edit/pcgames/2005-11-15/114895560.shtml 很多人抱怨上面的不会使,这里给出原始热咖啡补丁: http://www.gta.cz/sanandreas/data/download/hotcoffee21....
As a sign of support towards RockStar The Hot Coffee Mod is no longer available I've removed this download out of free will. PatrickW Just in case you really really need to see naked polygon people for some strange reason, and are upset that Patrick deleted this, go here or here (this...
难道暗示了圣安地列斯..跟米歇尔约会后,送到她家后,有个选项是什么试一下,然后主角说:“我想进去喝杯热咖啡然后就ooxx,我想起圣安地列斯的hot coffee补丁事件,很巧合的样子不知道hot coffe 的自己度娘一下