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Sock Hops and Auto Shop for Five Hot August Nights, Reno Revives the Happy Days of Hula Hoops, Poodle Skirts and Hot RodsByline: Dan Leeth Daily Herald Correspondent RENO, Nev. - It feels as though I've tripped...Leeth, Dan
In a track that could easily be sung by Ben Gibbard (Death Cab For Cutie/The Postal Service), the album takes another turn in a light and romantic way. In true indie/folk fashion, “Lost In August” kicks off with a ukulele and accordion-driven rhythm. The composition creates a dreamy ...
“You’ve proven your pudwackery in service of hott chasing, Lint Diesel. But I will bring assorted quality hotts, and ridiculous douche-head to the next Weekly. So be warned. For I am human walking herp sore.” The gel-head crown does not rest easy. There are challengers around e...
Cold brew coffee is often described as sweeter or less acidic than hot brew coffee. Such comparisons, however, are potentially confounded by two key effects: different brew temperatures necessarily change the extraction dynamics and potentially alter the