Balloon Hot Air Cairns and Outer Great Barrier Reef Tour Experience the best of both worlds, the sky & the reef. Start your day with the amazing feeling of hot air ballooning in Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands followed by the adventure of the great barrier reef with Great Adventures reef...
澳大利亚凯恩斯热气球公司(Hot Air Balloon Cairns)是澳大利亚凯恩斯地区提供热气球观光服务的公司。热气球飞行地点位于凯恩斯西面50公里,大约1小时车程,在清晨旭日初升之时,乘热气球飞行于美丽宽阔的亚瑟顿平原上空,被连绵的山脉和热带雨林包围着;在气球上还可观看到大、小袋鼠,并且有长满着芒果和荔枝的热带果园。中文...
This is the ultimate hot air balloon experience: your own private balloon. For just you and your partner or up to 23 friends and family. The professional driver will transfer you from your Cairns or Port Douglas accommodation in your dedicated vehicle to the launch site before dawn. There, ...
| 凱因斯熱氣球浪漫之旅Hot Air Balloon Cairns | 當您乘坐熱氣球平靜而寧靜地漂浮在美麗的熱帶雨林覆蓋的山丘上空時,拍攝令人難以置信的鳥瞰照片並陶醉在太陽的第一縷陽光中。 我們經驗豐富的飛行員將帶您飛越鬱鬱蔥蔥的阿瑟頓高原地區,享受前所未有的體驗。 當我們輕輕地著陸後,您將享用輕食點心,並配上一杯氣泡...
Start the day with a hot air balloon ride over the rolling hills of the Atherton Tablelands, where you can take in stunning views that you can only get from that special vantage point. Next up, depart from Cairns and cruise in comfort aboard a high speed catamaran to an exclusive platform...
Hot Air Ballooning in Cairns Experience the romance, wonder and silent serenity of a hot air balloon ride over tropical Cairns. Pre-lift-off, witness the spectacle of a hot air balloon inflating and see it take shape, then hop in for a gentle take-off and float gracefully over glorious gu...
商标名称 HOT AIR BALLOON 国际分类 第41类-教育娱乐 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 27347664 申请日期 2017-11-08 申请人名称(中文) 热气球有限公司;HOTAIRPTYLIMITED 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 澳大利亚昆士兰省QLD 4870凯恩斯邮政信箱5115号;PO BOX 5115,CAIRNS,QUEENSLAND,4870,AUSTRALIA 申请...
HotAir公司熱氣球安全概述BalloonwithHotAirCairnsamp;GoldCoast...pptx Hot Air 公司熱氣球安全概述;概要 - Summary;澳洲民航局監管熱氣球公司 Operating under CASA;飛行員的資格 The qualification of the pilot;如何得到商業熱氣球飛行執照 How do you get commercial pilot licence;飛行員定期飛行技能考核 Regular ...
Cairns Launceston Fulham Geelong Byron Shire Windsor Gold Coast Sydney Alice Springs Newcastle Lovedale Mareeba Port Douglas Bath Wiltshire Marrakech Agadir Goreme Milan Clearwater Honolulu Madison Virginia Beach Lexington San Antonio Greensboro Lincoln ...
简体中文 101BOX首頁> 城市一日遊 多日行程精選遊 景點門票 挑戰活動&跳傘 繽紛魅力的熱氣球 專業的酒莊品酒 巴士與交通 導覽語言: 所有語言導覽語言: 中文導覽導覽語言: 英文導覽 排列: 熱門旅遊行程排列: 價格由低到高排列: 價格由高到低 【凱恩斯熱氣球】 熱氣球升空觀賞日出之旅 ...