< Topic >The new composition and remedy method for minimizing the remedy and the scar mark of skin wounding are offeredSolutionsThe effective quantity of porieniruhosuhuachijirukorin (approximately 0.25- approximately 12wt%) and the methyl amino ethanol and the dimethyl amino ethanol (DMAE), the...
踏遍中原大地,寻觅美好时光,用镜头记录旅途见闻。 郑州绿博园,是一个充满着大自然魅力的地方。在这片美丽的园区里,有一棵引人注目的老树,它高大的身姿和繁茂的枝叶,给人留下了深刻的印象。这棵树被挂牌称作"女贞王",成为了绿博园内的一道风景。链接 发布于 2023-07-20 09:52・IP 属地河南 赞同 ...
Remedy of the damage of the skin which uses porieniruhosuhuachijirukorinPolyenylphosphatidylcholine is topically applied to treat skin damage, such as contact dermatitis (particularly diaper area dermatitis), atopic dermatitis, xerosis, eczema (including severe hand and foot eczema), rosacea, sebor...
Solutions The local composition which consists of the carrier which can be allowed with porieniruhosuhuachijirukorin and dermatology.ペリコン,ニコラス ブイー