将代码改成「HOSTNAME=hostname -f」就可以成功执行了 上网查了一下有人总结了下列资料,puppet server间的认证是通过fqdn进行设置的 When the master starts for the 1st time, it generates its own CA certificate and private key, initializes the CRL and generates a special certificate which I will call...
what could be the reason if i get different answers when i try to make a nslookup with hostname and with a Fqdn: Example: Test 1) nslookup client01 answer: client01.mydomain.com with ip -> correct Test 2) nslookup client01.mydomain.com answer: foreignClient.foreignDomain...
puppet 之 fqdn vs.hostname 傻傻分不清楚 2015-08-21 13:01 −... 季猫猫 0 360 Puppet实验一:安装puppet 2012-07-24 08:55 −安装puppet最方便的方式是使用EPEL软件源,因而在安装master和agent之前,请参考《配置EPEL软件源》添加EPEL软件源。 安装master master环境:virtualbox虚拟机,操作系统为CentOS 6....
How to fix WinRM and FQDN issue? How to format some text in a Richtext box - Powershell How to get $Env:LOGONSERVER varuable on remote computers? How to get a list of folders and subfolders from a network share? How to get ADUsers ObjectGUID as hexadecimal format using powershell Ho...
Let’s sayserver1is the computer’s hostname you want to access, whilemydomainis the domain and.comis the top-level domain. When combined, the hostname will look like this –server1.mydomain.com. Such identifiable names are calledFully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN),as they include the co...
Generally, a hostname is an FQDN consisting of the host name/computer name, a period, and the domain name. For example, mail.networksolutions.com consists of the local hostname ‘mail’ and the domain name ‘networksolutions.com.’ DNS can convert this type of hostname to an IP address...
VSCode Version: 1.49.2 Local OS Version: Windows 10 10.0.18363 Remote OS Version: Redhat Linux 7.8 Remote Extension/Connection Type: SSH Steps to Reproduce: Create a SSH remote connection with the following Config Host anyserver.fqdn Hos...
ECS*.hostnameshould contain the FQDN ECS*.domainshould contain the HRD (highest registered domain) (similar to eTLD+1) ECS*.subdomainshould contain FQDN minus HRD (everything to the left of the HRD) TheLogstash TLD filterdoes NOT produce a subdomain output that is compatible with this defi...
I see in one of the logs file that it know the server with both FQDN and both IP. This is the weirdest thing: I actually see it rolling back the config files during the update process 0 Likes Reply nhvdwalt Barite | Level 11 Re: Reference of previous ...
(FQDN, not hostname only); - server uses FCrDNS technique: - on the previous step IPv6-address resolved to hostname.domainname; - now the server tries to get IPv6-address back from hostname.domainname. So, server tries to verify that 'loki14.norway.sun.com' has that IPv6-address,...