由代码中可知,我传入的地址是ip,而不是目标kafka主机域名。 2 程序错误信息 2020-05-07 11:41 WARN kafka-producer-network-thread | producer-1 clients.NetworkClient:873 - [Producer clientId=producer-1] Error connecting to node kafka-05:9092 (id: 115 rack: null) java.io.IOException: Can't reso...
如果更改个人电脑的主机名,那么新的主机名应该解析为127.0.0.1,或者127.0.1.1。是Debian系Linux发行版解析本地主机的IP。Debian系统在安装时,如果计算机的IP是动态的,那么Debian安装程序会在/etc/hosts文件中创建127.0.1.1 这一条目。地址使用loopback网卡,实际上127.0.0.0/8 ( ~ 127.25...
on GNU Libc systems, the resolver can be instructed to try IPv6 lookups first by using the inet6 option in /etc/resolv.conf. FILES his file is read at boot time by the system initialization scripts to set the hostname. /etc/hosts Usually, this is where one sets the domain name by a...
ipaddr=$(ip addr show to 0/0 scope global | awk '/[[:space:]]inet / { print gensub("/.*","","g",$2) }') if [ -n "$ipaddr" ]; then eval $(ipcalc -h $ipaddr 2>/dev/null) hostname ${HOSTNAME} fi fi 脚本判断hostname是否为localhost或者localhost.localdomain,如果是的话...
ipaddr=if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "localhost" -o "$HOSTNAME" = "localhost.localdomain" ]; thenipaddr=$(ip addr show to 0/0 scope global | awk '/[[:space:]]inet/ { print gensub("/.*","","g",$2) }')if [ -n "$ipaddr" ]; theneval $(ipcalc -h $ipaddr 2>/dev/null)host...
ipaddr= if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "localhost" -o "$HOSTNAME" = "localhost.localdomain" ]; then ipaddr=$(ip addr show to 0/0 scope global | awk '/[[:space:]]inet / { print gensub("/.*","","g",$2) }') if [ -n "$ipaddr" ]; then ...
ipaddr=if["$HOSTNAME"="localhost"-o"$HOSTNAME"="localhost.localdomain"];then ipaddr=$(ip addr show to0/0scope global|awk '/[[:space:]]inet/{printgensub("/.*","","g",$2)}')if[-n"$ipaddr"];then eval$(ipcalc-h $ipaddr2>/dev/null)hostname ${HOSTNAME}fi ...
ip 地址 查找主机名 15.2.6. bind 的高级功能 bind 的高级功能 多个视图 增量区域传输(ixfr) 事务 signatures(tsig) dns 安全扩展(dnssec) 互联网协议版本 6(ipv6) 15.2.7. 通用 mistakes to avoid 15.2.8. ...
Convert an address to an ip Convert an ip to a hostname Perform a WHOIS on a hostname Get all informations of an IP or a hostname(Lat/Lon, TimeZone, Organization, ISP, Country Code, Region, City, Country) Tested on Windows and Linux with Python 3 ...
Namenode should identify DataNodes as ip:port instead of hostname:port:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-985 Add option for clients to contact DNs via hostname:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-3150 dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname: whether clients should use datanode host...