HostKeyAlgorithms 是SSH(Secure Shell)协议中的一个配置选项,用于指定 SSH 客户端在与 SSH 服务器建立连接时,所接受的服务器公钥算法列表。SSH 协议支持多种公钥算法,如 RSA、DSA(即 ssh-dss)、ECDSA(椭圆曲线数字签名算法)和 Ed25519 等。HostKeyAlgorithms 配置项允许管理员或用户指定哪些算法是可接受的,从而增... How to listKEXin the Linux server? root@linux ~]# ssh -Q kex diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 diffi...
多数SSH客户端并不支持这两种host key算法,所以会报上面的错误 所以此处的解决方案是在ssh配置添加如下...
因为之前写 Linux 系统密码管理系统的时候,用的是 Paramiko 的 SSHClient。所以,我这次依然采用 Paramik...
>>The client send in SSH_MSG_KEX_INIT the supported host key signature >>algorithms "ssh-rsa, ssh-dss,rsa-sha2-256,rsa-sha2-512". (Where does ssh-dss >>come from? From the >>code you've shown, it shouldn't be in there, should it? >>But that's irrelevant.) I forgot to ...
* SSH-2 defines ssh-dss and ssh-rsa. * The entries of the array must be ordered after preference, i.e., * the entry at index 0 is the most preferred one. You must specify * at least one entry. */ public synchronized void setServerHostKeyAlgorithms(String[] algos) { if ((algos...
* ssh-dss and ssh-rsa. The entries of * the array must be ordered after preference, i.e., the entry at * index 0 is the most preferred one. You must specify at least * one entry. */publicsynchronizedvoidsetServerHostKeyAlgorithms(String[] algos){if((algos ==null) ||...