第一种简单,使用重置插件advanced wordpress reset 第二种复杂,需要去服务器后台,手动删除wp upload文件还有mysql数据库的数据,如果是小白推荐第一种 我们来操作一下第一种方法: 1,我们在网站后台plugin里添加advanced wordpress reset 插件,安装完以后激活 2,在dashboard中找到advanced wordpress reset插件,点进去,我们...
第一种简单,使用重置插件advanced wordpress reset 第二种复杂,需要去服务器后台,手动删除wp upload文件还有mysql数据库的数据,如果是小白推荐第一种 我们来操作一下第一种方法: 1,我们在网站后台plugin里添加advanced wordpress reset 插件,安装完以后激活 2,在dashboard中找到advanced wordpress reset插件,点进去,我们...
1. Shared, WordPress, and Cloud hosting — go to theSSH Accessmenu under theAdvancedcategory. Here you will see all the login details that you need. If you forgot your password, easily reset it via theFTP Accountsmenu. 1.共享托管、WordPress托管和云托管用户 - 转到“高级”类别下的“SSH访问...
Building a website using CMS such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Here, I am going to show you how to use WordPress, the most popular CMS, to build a website. If you want to use Joomla or Drupal then refer to the tutorials on Hostinger’s website....
Resetting your DNS Zone to default settings If an error occurs after editing the DNS zone, you can fix it by restoring the default settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the DNS Zone Editor and click theReset DNS Recordsbutton: Conclusion ...