Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC3220SF 在Trigger Mode一节中提到了要定义主机应用程序在Trigger Mode下需要遵循几步,第一步就是定义host IRQ。请问定义host IRQ as the host wake up source要参考哪里? LPDS wake-up sources can be configured using the following APIs: ● void PRCMLPDSWakeupSourceEnable...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC3220SF 在Trigger Mode一节中提到了要定义主机应用程序在Trigger Mode下需要遵循几步,第一步就是定义host IRQ。请问定义host IRQ as the host wake up source要参考哪里? LPDS wake-up sources can be configured using the following APIs: ● void PRCML...