This web application is using a caching system. By sending a request with a Host header that contains an invalid port it was possible to force the caching system to c...
HTTP Host Header Attack:Basic password reset poisoning 密码找回方式: 传统的密码找回方式,就是在给预先设定好的邮箱发送重置密码链接。 攻击者可以利用中间人攻击对重置链接密码的数据包进行修改,改为发送成自己的邮箱,从而达到恶意窃取账户的目的。 随着传统技术的发展,通常会附加token进行发送,但是仍然可以进行账户窃...
so if a attacker konw some user's email and change the host header of the reset passowrd request. when the user click the fake reset password link, the attacker will receive this request, then change the link with the true host, finally change the user's password. change the host header...
Cyber security protection from, and avoiding inspection bypass, in network communication connections, in particular due to DNS poisoning or HTTP HOST header spoofing includes receiving a request for a resource. Typically, the request is received by a proxy from a web browser on a client for a ...
Cyber security protection from, and avoiding inspection bypass, in network communication connections, in particular due to DNS poisoning or HTTP HOST header spoofing includes receiving a request for a resource. Typically, the request is received by a proxy from a web browser on a client for a ...