具体的错误信息是“host not found in resolver 'kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local'”。 检查kube-dns服务状态: 确认kube-dns服务是否正常运行在Kubernetes集群中。 你可以使用以下命令来检查kube-dns服务的状态: bash kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep kube-dns 如果服务没有运行,你可能需要重...
Hi , We're facing an error (nginx: [emerg] host not found in resolver "run" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) even simple form of container run command. the command that we run is "docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx blacklabelops/nginx" any sug...
nginx: [emerg] host not found in resolver " " in /opt/tengine/conf/nginx.conf:124 Member Could you show your nginx.conf file and your tengine version? Thank you. just the default conf. tengine version is master Author
nginx 通过 proxy_pass 和 upstream server 通信的时候需要手动指定 resolver。某些时候 DNS 解析失败就会出现这个错误: domain.com could not be resolved. 可以指定多个 DNS 并重置域名 TTL 延长 nginx 解析缓存来保障解析成功率: resolver valid=3600s; 如果还有解析...
nginx 通过 proxy_pass 和 upstream server 通信的时候需要手动指定 resolver。某些时候 DNS 解析失败就会出现这个错误: domain.com could not be resolved. 可以指定多个 DNS 并重置域名 TTL 延长 nginx 解析缓存来保障解析成功率: resolver valid=3600s; ...
已经在101.37.xxx.xx安装dnsmasq指定hosts回源到103.213.xxx.xxx指定了resolver让101.37.xxx.xx来解析bbs.xiaoz.org,但是提示[emerg] host not found in upstream,dig测试解析是生效的,但为什么nginx还是无法...
❯ nginx -t nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "abc" in /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57 nginx: configuration file /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed 初始配置 location /abc { proxy_pass http://abc; } 错误原因 Nginx启动时需要解析proxy_pass代理的下游地址,如果DNS...
GraphQLApiResolverPoliciesGetEntityTagResponse GraphQLApiResolverPoliciesGetHeaders GraphQLApiResolverPoliciesGetResponse GraphQLApiResolvers GraphQLApiResolversCreateOrUpdateHeaders GraphQLApiResolversCreateOrUpdateResponse GraphQLApiResolversGetEntityTagHeaders GraphQLApiResolversGetEntityTagResponse GraphQLApiResolv...
Return a class loader you can use to retrieve classes in this package. (Inherited from ContextWrapper) CodeCacheDir Returns the absolute path to the application specific cache directory on the filesystem designed for storing cached code. (Inherited from ContextWrapper) ContentResolver Return a...
I released my reactJs application. I have code information as below. But I get the error “11 # 11: host not found in upstream”. where could i have made a mistake Could you help ? I get an upStream error even though my docker, nginx, and docker-compose file is correct. I had ru...